Sunday, January 31, 2010

Three Cereals and the Truth

It started out simply enough. I was at Publix and I decided on a whim to buy every chocolate sweetened cereal available. Cereal is kind of like churches, banks and heavy metal magazines from the 80's. There seems to be way more of them than necessary and the variety of what they have to offer is inherently limited.

I picked up Cocoa Puffs, Cocoa Pebbles, Chocolate Lucky Charms, etc until my basket was overflowing. I had to order Count Chocula online along with Frankenberry and Boo Berry as part of a monster cereal 3 pack special. The thing with Count Chocula is it is extremely similar to Chocolate Lucky Charms. It's kind of like having a devil whispering in one ear and an angel in the other- except they are both telling you to eat sugar saturated cereal. The Count Chocula I got in the mail had a weird after taste, but it was kind of like a bad smell that you don't notice after a couple of minutes. Don't get me started on the existential dilemma of a food mascot who can't enjoy his own cereal for breakfast because he's asleep in his coffin.

Cheerios has all these remixes of its basic product including a chocolate version. Sad to say it is kind of boring. It's like they couldn't commit to complete tooth rotting sugar crazed mayhem so the taste is leashed to the basic bland Cheerio template. Which could make it useful as a gateway cereal to the stronger stuff. You can't just go from eating Total to Cookie Crisp in one day. You'll lose your mind and probably wake up at a bus station dressed in a chicken suit.

That brings me to the indie cereal I found in the health food section called Chocolate Delight by the preposterously named company Back to Nature. But I'll be a monkey's uncle if it actually wasn't pretty good, even without milk. Just some crunchy, sweetened granola with chocolate chunks thrown in. One important criteria for judging cereal is can you eat it without milk. A lot of the air puffed cereals don't go down so well sans milk. Cookie Crisp in particular is a disaster. You think hey little cookies, no problem right? Dead wrong, it's a taste nightmare and your tongue will never forgive you.

You know how they market cereals to tie in with the release of a blockbuster movie, like Spiderman? I started wondering if it would be cool to do the same thing with bands and albums but I couldn't think of any good examples. Maybe a Lil Wayne cereal called "Weezies" that had milk activated cough syrup could have been big a few years ago.

Regular Cocoa puffs in milk are kind of weak, but I ate a Cocoa Puffs cereal bar for dinner the other night that was great. The cereal bar had a much better sugar to density ratio. Factor in the marshmellowy milk like center and it's like throwing yourself a ticker tape parade. Cereal bars are cool but they tend to give me a steady barrage of low level gas. Given that I eat them at work I'm pretty much walking a tight rope my whole shift.

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